Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Today is the middle of my days off & I have managed to keep very busy. I joined a local gym here with plans to stay active over the long winter. I had a training session today with one of the Trainers there. She pushed me a bit so that I could see that I really was capable of more than I thought I was. It was a very good workout, I expect to be sore tomorrow.

I have been walking a lot these days, enjoying getting out & about. Not sure how I'll feel about it once the really cold weather with north winds & snow get here. Just thinking about it makes me shiver! Also brings back memories of the cold Frozen Arctic.

This picture is from Qikiqtarjuak on Baffin Island. I worked up there for 3 weeks last year. Very beautiful place. Mark, you could take some awesome pictures up there!

Another busy day planned for tomorrow, a little shopping. Time to get some ideas for Christmas. Also plan to get out my poles for some Nordic walking. That's a great exercise! Helps maintain a better posture while walking which is good for the abs & breathing.

Hope you are all well & keeping active!

Take Care & Keep Smiling!


Mark and Chris said...

excellent picture! That's my girl!

Chris said...


Brits On Tour said...

Had to put LONG pants on today don't you feel sorry of us.....We go back into P/River Monday, can't wait to get into the river love us xxxx see you soon